MS46.02: William Blathwayt Papers
Richard Wharton Letter to Blathwayt dated December 30, 1680


Boston in N: Ed Decr 30 1680

Honrd Sr

By the last Conveyance I gave yw ye Trouble of the [illegible] foregoing
since which I have had ye honr of a second from yor selfe and thereby
assurance to myselfe and other proprietr s of the Narrogansett Countrey
of yor just favour and futherance of our business I shall as soone as the
Season will allow Comunication make all yt are Interested Sensible of
their obligacóns and ye acknowldgmts yt may be due to yor selfe, I p[re]sume
Mr Lewis hath either wholly Omitted a [line] by the Last Ships or
Directed it to some other hand for want of which my selfe and others
know not at p[re]sent what may be further necssary But are secure in
ye Sence yw have of the justice of our cause and ye Despatch thereof
Mr Harris his friend heer being more confident then I can be of a supply
from Mr Doane at p[re]sent make noe other provision But fearing a Dis
appointmt I have requested a friend to waite upon Mr Boyd to [Indeavr]
the Anticipation of the Indian Revenue wch for ye yeare [Currt] I
suppose is ingaged to New Plymouth all that are concerned for Mr
Harris ow Thanks to yor Charity and Care for him wch I hope may soe
far Interest him in ye Contribucón as to abate Considerably of what
otherwise would be needfull for his ransome

I heare not yt what entertainment Mr Mason finds amongst his [Tennts]
I p[er]ceive his Maty hath put him to condicon into a condicón to secure
himselfe from affronts and to make Equall terms with them
Mr Randolphs observacóns will Excuse me from some Intimacóns
I should off hand afford Having now more Certaine Knowldg and
better Informacón then formr ly I hope his representacóns may be
of better use to his Maty and Less p[re]judicial to himselfe a favour
able reformation may render these Collonyes very considerable to ye Crowne
of England But a severe or totall alteracóns or restraints would in
short tyme I feare Blast not onely a hopefull plantacón but those yt
should be ye most active Instrumts therein It were easey to demonstrate
that the Improvemt of thes Collonyes under Due Incouragemt and
Regulations might be more advantageous both for ye support
and inlargemt of the English Empire then all ye Revenues of the
Islands, this Soyle affourding all yt is needfull for a Royall Navy
wch might not onely be built heer but [illegible] without alarming
ye world be Imployd with great Silence and Secrecy upon any Designe
and might Serve for Convoyes for all our American fleets neither
would ye Difficultyes be soe great to incourage such undertakings as at
first may appeare ffor without any Diminution of ye p[re]sent Revenues
of ye Crowne such imunityes might be granted as could in few yeares
Lay the foundation and gradually effect all yt is pr mised other p[ar]ticular
Improvemts may seasonably be pointed to wch would Infallibly ingage
N: Engld: p2 To a Dependance upon England for their Manufacture and render Engld
Independt upon all ye world for sundry Staples and absolutely necessary
Comodityes haveing sometymes Hinted thes things to Mr Randolph if
they deserve Consideration he can further discourse or demonstracóns may
be given when Demanded I know ye Cognisance of such matters most
proper to yor office and Therefore with ye Greater freedome hint ym
to yw Assureing my selfe yt all probabilityes of advantage to ye
King and Kingdome will be Candidly entertained by yor selfe
and as zealously to ye Extent of my Capacity Indeavoured by

Sr yor most obliged humble servt

Richd Wharton

To the Honr ble William
Blathwaite Esqr :
Auditor and Surveyor Genll
of his Matys plantations
pr sent

[per] Mr Randolph Q:D:C:


4 Nov.
30 Dec: 1680

From Mr Wharton
to my selfe
Recd ye 20 March 1680